2021 Hack-A-Sat DEFCON Space Security Challenge CTF Qualifiers Writeup - Linky
Linky was an RF math problem, introducing the link-budget algorithm and getting contestants to calculate missing parameters for the operation of the radio link. Years have passed since our satellite was designed, and the Systems Engineers didn't do a great job with the documentation. Partial information was left behind in the user documentation and we don't know what power level we should configure the Telemetry transmitter to ensure we have 10 dB of Eb/No margin over the minimum required for BER (4.4 dB) . Upon connecting to the target port and presenting token, you're presented with a TUI of sorts: _ _ _ | | (_)_ __ | | ___ _ | | | | '_ \| |/ / | | | | |___| | | | | <| |_| | |_____|_|_| |_|_|\_\\__, | |___/ .-. (;;;) \_| \ _.--l--._ . \ | `. .` `.\ | .` `. .` `\ | .` `. / __ \.|.` __ \/ | ''--._ \V _.--'' | | _ (") _ | ...